International Women’s Day 2022: #BreaktheBias

For International Women’s Day this year, we sat down with some senior members of our team to discuss the obstacles that women face in the financial services and how to #breakthebias and create more diverse, inclusive workplaces.

Sarah von Landsberg-Sadie – Head of Impact and Performance

“At BCB Group we are incredibly proud of our vibrant, diverse employees, but we want more women in top positions. Our diversity makes us who we are, and we believe that the greater opportunity for women at BCB, the greater the opportunity for our business as a whole.

Gender imbalance is not just a fairness issue. It’s a business issue. As an industry, we are seeing how greater diversity creates a positive culture, heightens creativity, helps uphold ethical standards and drives critical business metrics including customer satisfaction. Breaking the bias ultimately drives better business, and that’s an argument any all-male board should be able to understand.

The glass ceiling in banking is developing cracks, but remains largely intact. Despite high intake of women into financial services at graduate level, the industry bias and non-inclusive environment is betrayed by the poor accession of women to top leadership positions. We need to look outside to see best practice and for inspiration on how to smash that ceiling and open up accelerated growth for our amazing women.

The biggest issue with a glass ceiling is that it’s very hard to see when you are standing on it. Breaking the bias is both men’s and women’s work. It’s an urgent priority across the financial services industry therefore to educate everybody, regardless of gender, of the commercial and ethical imperatives for change, starting at the top.”


Natasha Gonseth – Head of Compliance

“I joined BCB because I believe in the revolutionary potential of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. I wanted to help fulfill the mission to lay the foundation for a more open and inclusive global financial system.

It starts with building a thriving and inclusive work environment where everyone belongs. That’s why diversity is key to create a culture of excellence. This process starts at company level and must involve everyone from the CEO to the newest joiner. 

We need to disrupt stereotypes and redefine what it means to be a leader and a woman in today‘s world.

We all have a voice and now is the time to break the bias and fight for a more diverse, inclusive and fair working environment by challenging the status quo.

I‘m hopeful that one day we value each other regardless of gender and celebrate the unique contribution that each individual can bring to the table.”


Liz Joseph – Head of People

“At BCB we are creating a work environment where everyone feels valued, welcome, and comfortable being themselves.

We believe in promoting opportunities for everyone.

In the coming years, the focus of gender equality needs to be about continually supporting and empowering women. Due to gender imbalances and biases against women, females at all levels of leadership have their own challenges and difficulties.

We need to increase female voices and I would love to see an increase of 30% of women in leadership roles, particularly across the financial sector.

How do we do this?

Promote, educate, champion one another, and ensure we instil an inclusive culture where we recognise and dismantle unconscious bias or prejudice. In turn, this creates a supportive environment that drives innovation, creativity, and results.

Remember, women in boardrooms should be a right and not a privilege!

Let’s keep the conversation going to bring about change.”

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